Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Spine and Joint Care-Pizhichil, Elakizhi & Podi Kizhi & Massage

What is Spine and Joint Care?

Spine and joints are the vital parts of our body which helps in the working and normal
Spine and Joint Care
functioning of the body. The spine is most important bone which helps in the pelvic movements and allows us sit or stand with any support. To keep the spine and joints in good condition it is important take special care of it so that helps in easy movement of our body. 
Spine and joints are like gears of our body which needs to be kept lubricated. Our joints and spine are more prone to the diseases and pains due to arthritis or others. To keep our bones and spines in healthy condition one needs to maintain a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and healthy eating habits.

How is spine and joint problem caused?
Spine and joint problems can be caused due to different reasons like arthritis, injuries, osteoporosis, age related problems and many others. Some of the major spine and joint problems are treated by operation and setting of bones while others need physiotherapies. The early symptoms which can tell us whether we are suffering from spine and joint problems are aches, pains and stiffness in the neck, back and different joints of our body. 
Spine and joint problems caused due to fracture in the young age can be cured completely and also there may not arise the conditions for operation and can cure by medications but when fractures occur in the old age it can be deadly as our bones becomes weak and does not get cured easily. Frequent fractures may occur due to osteoporosis which can cause trouble and only cure left is operation which also may not be fully successful. 

How Jeevamrutham Ayurevedic Center does help it treating it?
Ayurveda is the oldest natural medical science and have found global recognition in the area of spine and joint treatment. The renowned Ayurvedic center, Jeevamrutham Ayurevedic Center has have been able to address the root cause of the spinal and joint problems and therefore have been able to offer amazing results. This center specializes in curing like spondylitis, slip disc, sciatica, osteo-arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, scoliosis, sport injury and others.
Elakizhi Treatment

The types of ayurvedic treatments offer by the center include Pizhichil, Elakizhi & podi kizhi & massage. These treatments help in strengthening the tissues and nourish the joints by improving the circulations. The treatments also help in avoiding spine and joint complications.

The Pizhichil treatment was developed in Kerala years ago. In this treatment medicated oil is poured on to the body in continuous streams while gentle massaging is being done by the expert four therapists for 45 to 90 minutes
Pizhichil Treatment

This Pizhichil Treatment procedure increases vitality and body immunity. It is also useful for sexual weakness, paralysis, arthritis, plegia, nervous disorders rheumatic pains, Vata imbalances, hypertension and emaciation of limbs.

In the Elakizhi & podi kizhi & massage treatment fresh herbal leaves or herbal powders are boiled in medicated herbal oil then tied in cotton cloth & hot pack massage is given all over the body. 

This treatment rejuvenates the body and enhances the sports performance in the person. The treatment is very effective in curing Arthritis, Backache, Joint Pain, Frozen shoulder, paralysis, numbness and others.


  1. Thanks For sharing the Information Admin. Arthritis can Only curable taking the help of Ayurvedic treatment for Arthritis. There are only few products which can cure speedy of arthritis problem. The ayurvedic medicine is the best medicines which don't have side effects on our health

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